sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

My dream Job

When I was a little boy, my dream job was gastronomy, I remember watched on the tv many programs of food from all around the world, I were very interested on the food of Italy, because they eat a lot of pasta (noodles) and they have a great diversity of pastas.

My other dream jobs that I had in mind at the time of applying to university where industrial civil engineering or computer science, since I really like to play and spend time on the computer with my friends, seeing the best options so that a PC can function properly and give its best performance, in addition to being able to assemble computers with all their components. Anyway, I always had food engineering as my main dream job, because I am very interested in food, I also have many questions for this career as an example, why are there foods that are better than others, if they are the same? Will they have the same processes?, could you make better food than what exists today? I think I could say many questions, but first I must know all the environments of the food, I must know their tastes, in addition to looking for what people like and prioritizing the healthiness of the food, to later obtain a final process in good condition for the consumer.

My experience in the university is not bad, but neither good, because I don't like the virtual classes, it is not the same sociability with other people.

I would like to have a job in the food industry.


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