viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2022

A Country I would like to visit

I don´t know what country I would like visit, but i have in mind or it is of my interest mmm.... Netherlands, because I have a “aunt”(she is friend of my grandma´s) in Netherland that invited me to live in that country, she says to me that the life conditions are one thousand times better than in Chile, besides it offer better job quality and you can survive with your job without to depending anybody, my aunt always to insist that I should go to study in Netherlands, but I want to finish my career in Chile because I feel comfortable, but when I finish my career I would go to a Netherlands to do my thesis, explore food engineering career there and discover new topics with the purpose of arriving in Chile and present my thesis, besides of to teach the I learned in Netherland and also their habits in the food intdustries.

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