jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

A meal or food I really like

My food favorite is the noodles with sauce and ground meat, are any kind of noodles scrambled in sauce or you can serve the sauce with ground meat above of the noodles.

For made this dish, first should cook the noodles in water boiled for eight minutes. After cook the ground meat with a litle bit of oil and add salt, also you can add what want (sazonar). Finally, mix the sauce with ground meat and serve the dish as you want.

I like much this dish, because It have a good combination of taste, besides is easy of made and fast of cook.

The noodles is a good option of carbohydrates, than is a basic nutrient, besides him high value energetic help for the persons than do physical exercise, thoug this dish in exces it can generate overweigh in the person.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

My Favorite Piece of Technology

The cellphone is my favorite piece of technology in nowdays, because it is an artefact that can be carried everywhere, also is very easy can access to a lot of applications in all moment.

I use the cellphone for lot of things, as watch videos of the class or watch films, I can browser my questions in anymoment, so I can learn about anything, besides I communicate with my friend especially now than I can not see my friends, in time of pandemic.

This device is very important in my life, because I can keep informed about what happens in any part of the world, but also it have his part bad, as when I ignore my family because I am playing with my cellphone.

I recommend the cellphone is used correctly.