sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2022

Changes to my Study Programme

My idea about the study program is that is very good, because it has a big enviroment about the career, for example the laboratories are the more practical subjects. But in the first two years there are not many carreer´s related subjects, in conclution the first two years is suffering for the people that enter in the career or best already said for the people that enter in the Facultad de Química y Farmacia de la Universidad de Chile, not is as in others enclosures of the Universidad de Chile, but the problem major for me is that there are anual subjects, I refery that if I fail a subject, I can not make the subject in the next semester, I must wait until the other year to give subject again, so I delay with guys of my generation and NOT for one semester, if not two, besides my first year of university there was no subject of summer for my generation, but I don´t care that I´m giving the subjects with my generation, I bother that Facultad de Química y Farmacia have very litlle consideration for your students, because one wants to finish the career as soon as posible or I think that about my the students, but the faculty does everything possible for complicate the students and it should be the opposite, each faculty should help to the students, but despite all the aforementioned, the faculty still has its good things, but as always stand out the bad things.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

Knowing about me the future is not of my interest, because I feel that I must live the present or each day as if it were the last, besides, the future generates fear in me, what I mean is that seeing your future and then not staying I liked what I saw, and not being able to do anything to change it because I don't know how or what I did to get to that point, then it would be something irreversible hahaha, but despite everything I would like to travel or I would like to see the point in which I am calm in my life, where I have a place where I can fall and feel safe, where I am at peace, where I am already resting on everything I have experienced and hopefully in a little house next to a lake.

Thinking about it, I would like to travel further into the past, to see some things for the last time or do things for the last time with special people or to see my deceased dogs, because it is always good to remember some things or special moments and to be able to say goodbye to people in a friendly way. well, since I never expected it to be the last time, they were unexpected, one situation is when I went out to play ball with the neighbors in the passage to the park and there was never a farewell, because nobody expected it to be the last time.