jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

A subject you enjoyed studying

My favorite subject of this semester is calculus which is the logical mathematical thought in which a lot of areas of maths come together in a subject. Sometimes this subject is so dense and very complicated of  understand for me, but this is what makes it so interesting.

I enjoy this subject for many things, one of them are trigonometric functions, sin and cos, and the other known functions. Another thing is what I like numbers in special the set reals.

I learned a lot of things, but my favorite thing learned are derivatives, what are the slope of the tangent line, also I learned the formal definition of a limit and when a limit can exist.

I thought that this subject will be easy for me, because I like the numbers and in the school I had good marks and always understood the contents of the asignature, but to the I have class of calculus in the university, I can understand that this subject not is same that in the school.  

viernes, 2 de julio de 2021

An expert / person in your field that you admire

 An expert in my field that I admire, is my dad, Cristian Montero because he is a person polyvalent, he studied food engeneering and now he is studiying industrial civil engeneering, he only should give the thesis for end up. He have two children, me and my brother.

He teached me many things about the food engeneering, one of which I can emphasize is that it is not matter that if a food is consume very a bit, with the food it is can to create other food or take out some of the food for complement other, so i could understand that every food have a part esential, a part esential where every food it is can difference.

I feel that I had many good luck for have a dad that studied the same field for the which I am passing, maybe in ones years more he and me created a food industrie.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2021

How can your mayor make the world a better place?

The humans always they had the needs of eat, but to measure happening the time, were emerging problems, as problems of salud, also about the impact in the ambient than generate the foods and between others problems.

Therefore, they created foog engeneering, a major where his purpose is it give a good product food for the people, where seening all the process of the foods, from recolect the same product, even as the product it is envased and as it is sold.

Personally I want focus in the part of administration of food engeneering, in where I can control the procces for where pass the foods or also I would like be in where it is see the value nutritive of the aliment and sanitation.