jueves, 29 de abril de 2021


 When I was a little boy, my dreams jobs was gastronomy, I remember watched on the tv many programs of food of all world, always I were interesting the food of Italy, because they eat many pastas(noodles) and there a great diversity of pastas.

 My other career options at the moment of  applying, I had in mind industrial civil engeenering or computer science, but always I had as career main the food engeneering, because I interesting very the food, besides I have many questions for this career as for example, why there foods better than others, if are the same?, Will they have the same processes?, after I could doing better foods than there in today?, I think could say many questions.

My experience in the university not is bad, but neither good, because I do not like the class virtuals, not is the same sociability with other people.

I would like have job in a food industry.
