jueves, 3 de junio de 2021

A photo and its story

I don't know if this photo represents well the water, but for me it is a photo where I get to understand how important it's only a bit of it for some people. 

For me the water is essential for human life or better say for all the world, because every day we use it for different things and moments in the life.

I am interested in giving a good use to the water, invert the water in good things, be able to I understand it´s characteristics profundly and creat something important where the protagonist is water, before it disappears from world.

The history of the photo, we see a boy getting water from a container, it came from Africa, where 300 million people, 63% of Africa, don´t have access to drinkable or hygienic water, these situations cause famine and droughts in their territories.